Triple Grand Champion Yaromir Vivalavita*RU of Jazzycat achieved this title after just two shows! He is also TICA's 2022 BEST BLACK CLASSIC GOLDEN TABBY OF THE YEAR, SC Region's 2022 Best Black Classic Golden Tabby Of The Year, and SC Region's 2022 2nd Best Siberian Of The Year. (2nd, because he was only in one show at the time.)  ;-) Yaromir's parents are Kaschmir Vivalavita*RU, and Infiniti Vivalavita*RU, both beautiful Golden Siberians.


King Theo is a very handsome Red Lynx Point. He has a very sweet soul, and loves to cuddle. He is a very large boy, stretching 3 feet in height. He has fathered 19 kittens so far, and they are all very sweet like he is. Theo has not yet had the opportunity to experience show life, but will in the near future. Theo's parents are Munchranch Daisy Moose Pyotrovna and Grinnell Creation Ridge Nalla.